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Permanent cosmetics and advanced skincare by Maureen Cusack.

Dream come true!​​​​​​​​​​​​

High quality service guaranteed

With the IPL ™ Hair Removal System, unwanted hair can be gently removed with a flash of light. Whether on the face, back, legs, bikini line or just about anywhere, IPL™ Hair Removal System safely and effectively eliminates stubborn and annoying hairs.

What is IPL™ Hair Removal

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL™) is the next generation in effective hair removal and skin rejuvenation technology.

Traditionally, most cosmetic procedures have been associated with lasers. As technology has progressed, research has shown that Intense Pulsed Light (IPL™), is regularly producing better results than the laser units originally available.

Pulsed Light units are non-laser, emitting light across a broad range of wavelengths that are preferentially absorbed by the appropriate structure in the skin.

IPL™ uses pulsed light to remove hair and impair hair regrowth. First, a cool gel, then a hand-held treatment unit is gently applied to the skin that disables hundreds of hair folllicles simultaneously. Actively growing hair in the treated area falls out within a week or two.

Benefits of IPL™ Hair Removal

IPL™ treatments leave your skin looking and feeling smoother and silkier. This patented technology transcends the older, painful hair removal treatments to deliver long lasting results. IPL's wide beam treats larger areas such as the back, shoulders, arms, legs and face rather than treating one hair at a time. Best of all, IPL™ treatments are a safe, fast, gentle and effective alternative method for hair removal.

  • Larger areas may be treated at one time.
  • ​It works best with dark hair on light skin.
  • There is less chance for scarring and pigmentation change.
  • Less pain and discomfort compared to other hair removal treatments.
  • Combines the speed of shaving with the lasting results promised by electrolysis.
  • IPL™ is effective on almost any area of the body where smoother, younger-looking hair-free skin is desired.



Are there any side-effects?

Due to the special parameters used there are little or no side-effects.

The treatment has been likened to being flicked by a hair brush, but the skin may go slightly red for a few hours.


The Apilus® machine

I use the new and advanced Apilus® machine to treat unwanted hair and facial thread veins! Thread vein treatment is designed to reduce the networks of visible purple or red veins commonly found on the cheeks, nose, forehead and chest.  Owing to its powerful circuits and stable currents, Apilus® offers professional electrologists pinpoint precision capabilities and optimal settings that deliver the results you seek.


Red vein removal with Apilus® machine before and after:

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